ICmatch can help you team up.
- Join with others to start a commune, a coliving situation, or a small residential community.
- Add a compatible member to a household that’s already part of an established intentional community.
If and when you have established bylaws and a definite location, the place to post that is the ic.org/directory.
Search Database for Groups

College Commune in San Luis Obispo CA
This place is pretty close to paradise. The…
Pacific Coast U.S.

Cohousing on Vancouver Island BC
These cohousing developments listed below are under construction.…

Ecovillage Regenerative Farming Vancouver Island BC
In founding stage of a permaculture farm IC.…

High Road Haven NM
Forming-phase, NM west-side Rockies. 17-acre farmstead, 4 under…
Southwest U.S.

Cohousing in Vancouver BC
These cohousing developments listed below are under construction.…

Lost Lake Cohousing in Nanaimo BC
New cohousing on Vancouver Island in forming and…

Cohousing Development Perfect Site Duncan BC
Potential site: 247 and 257 Evans Street full private…

Healers/Green Witches Unite
My dream is to have a medi-spa healing…
Rocky Mountain U.S. , Upper Midwest U.S. , Southwest U.S.

Looking for HELP
Sorry I am changing the impetus of this…
Pacific Coast U.S. , Upper Midwest U.S. , Northeast U.S. , Southeast U.S.

Ecohouse & Healer Cooperative Carbondale CO
A small group in Carbondale, CO has been…
Rocky Mountain U.S.
You don’t have to create community alone, nor can you! Find your teammates. There are people who have the skills to complement yours and want deeply to put them into practice. Many see no current opportunity to do so, because society is not structured to support many of the values intentional communities are built around. Your people could be long-term trusted friends, or even family members. Let them know about your goals, so they can let you know when they come across resources. Volunteer or visit non-profits or activist groups to find like-minded people. You may find some thru social media or online tribes that have an interest in a particular influencer. You may find some interested people thru events you create. Sharing a passion for the same activities or sharing a belief system helps groups to bond and last, so it can help to simply let people know about your project as you go about your normal life.
If these ideas sound daunting or outside the realm of possibility in your current situation, start small. Host a dinner for friends who have a worldview in some way similar to yours, or a worldview that intrigues you. Invite them to come prepared to discuss what might be a viable way to address a common concern. You could make the theme “think global, act local.”