These cohousing developments listed below are under construction. CoHo BC is in contact with groups of locals who are interested in joint purchase of land to subdivide for individual homes, or for co-purchase of existing housing. Livewell Cohousing consultants put together a guide for groups who decide to hire a developer and make their own cohousing. Also check for their map of existing communities that may have openings. A google search will often bring up even more cohousing.
ICmatch is a great place to post a profile and start connecting with others to see about snagging a great set of neighbors or co-owners. If you’d like to see who you match with locally, first register. You can email [email protected] with a request to add your profile to this page.
Forming-phase, NM west-side Rockies. 17-acre farmstead, 4 under irrigation; perennial creek in band of forest; rich, productive black soil; house plus three Airstreams, workshop, greenhouse, outbuildings; several tiny house locations. Prepped with redundant infrastructure elements, resources. Four seasons, great climate. Endless possibility. Midway between Santa Fe (0:45+) and Taos, small traditional subsistence farming community that knows how to endure. Please: No vax, mainstream conformity, drama, debt, magical thinking, wokism, wireless tech (have fast fiberoptic). Positive, self-governing, hard-working (or resourced), pragmatic, healthy, sane, non-ideological, grounded, conscious, conscientious, respectful, honest, peace-making. Co-creative cultivation of land.
We are seeking two families to buy in and build their own house on the property. We likely in near future will be able to subdivide w/o co-owning. O is an architect, has detailed plans for two homes on the property, in addition to our existing quaint brick farmhouse. Property has mature trees, stunning view of mount Nebo and lake, and is next to paved road and river. It’s a safe area and semi-rural. Close by is a long riverside paved trail.
In founding stage of a permaculture farm IC. We have BC charitable status, currently working toward finding land and forming a land trust for perpetuity, focused on food and water security, sustainable housing and energy, regenerative ecological based community and businesses, supporting the health and wellness of land and people. A teaching/learning facility of sustainable practices, biodiversity, emphasizing environmental stewardship, rebuilding soil, resilience and vitality to land and people, building sustainable community systems, housing for new arrivals to Canada needing support.
These cohousing developments listed below are under construction. CoHo BC is in contact with groups of locals who are interested in joint purchase of land to subdivide for individual homes, or for co-purchase of existing housing. Livewell Cohousing consultants put together a guide for groups who decide to hire a developer and make their own cohousing. Also check for their map of existing communities that may have openings. A google search will often bring up even more cohousing.
ICmatch is a great place to post a profile and start connecting with others to see about snagging a great set of neighbors or co-owners. If you’d like to see who you match with locally, first register. You can email [email protected] with a request to add your profile to this page.
This place is pretty close to paradise. The Cal State University there is my first choice of schools because…connections. I want to study animal husbandry. I’m currently working at a small dairy. It would be fun to find people to room together with as a college commune.