IC-related Podcasts
These podcasts have many current and relevant discussions about intentional communities, bringing in experienced community builders and workshop providers. Resources and funding for intentional communities are mentioned in some interviews.
- Inside Community by the Foundation for Intentional Communities
- Frontiers of Commoning by David Bollier
- Regenerative Cultures by Morag Gamble on Youtube
IC-related Videos
SEEDS. (2019). Creating community: A conversation with Diana Leafe Christian (Part I). https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=x9ikKRczAxI
Local Futures. (2021). The economics of happiness [Documentary film]. https://www.localfutures.org/programs/the-economics-of-happiness/
Aside from this must-see documentary noted above, which you can view (free) at the link provided, we’ve put together a growing list of IC-related videos.
IC-related Books and Articles
Practical guides from the Foundation for Intentional Community: Their many affordable options include the following.
- Fellowship for Intentional Communities. (2014). In community, intentionally. In Best of Communities: I. Intentional Community Overview and Starting a Community. Foundation for Intentional Community.
- Christian, D. L. (2003). Creating a life together: Practical tools to grow ecovillages and intentional communities. New Society. Available thru the FIC website and often at your favorite online indie booksellers.
- Ludwig, Y., & Gimnig, K. (2020). The cooperative culture handbook. Foundation for Intentional Community.
- Wisdom of Communities: a multi-author printed set
- Starter Guide to Intentional Communities: A free downloadable pdf by the Foundation for Intentional Community.
ATSDR. (2015a). Models and frameworks for the practice of community engagement. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/communityengagement/pce_models.html
Stolz, C. J. (2020). Intentional communities as drivers of societal change towards sustainability? Understanding community advocates’ social representations of change. https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/16332/1/stolz_c_j_201211.pdf
Resources for the Larger IC Movement
Platforms for In-person Intentional Community: describes global or national organizations focused on ic creation, networks that include IC-adjacent projects, temporary community as on-site room & board workstay
Needs of the Intentional Community Movement: Discussion and resource listings
Intentional Community Elders: a beginning list of long-term contributors age 50+
Green Mountain College has a master’s program for Resilient and Sustainable Communities. Their Facebook page has many resources.
Share Your Resources
Do you have resources for residential intentional communities that you’d like to share? We would love to hear about it. Send suggestions to [email protected]
ICs as Culture Change Agents
ICs as culture change agents: Sky Blue makes an appeal to intentional communities to operate in ways that address core needs for social change.
The following links contain lengthy descriptions of current challenges that many intentional community creators and residents are attempting to resolve. There are many links to a variety of authors. These may be a resource for exploring your founders’ team core values as you create your vision and mission statements.