Older boomer
Seattle WA
Speed of commitment:
In between: Open to a commitment after a defined time for a trial run
IC types I would live in or am forming:
Multi-family shared house, Shared housing in metropolitan area, Activist commune supporting shared work
Food production:
Working toward a mix of producing our own food and buying groceries
IC seeker or founder/resident:
Householder: I am looking for one or more members to join a household that is NOT located in a larger IC. This may or may not include a business partnership or work share.
Vulnerable population as a proportion of residents:
No can do
Residential proximity:
House mates (separate bedrooms, shared kitchen)
Ownership types:
Rented with shared housing or shared land
Reasons for shared housing:
Ecological sustainability to reduce carbon footprint, Lower cost of living, Sharing resources (spaces, equipment, tools, vehicles, gardens), Sharing meals and chores, Having a “chosen family” to share good times and support each other thru hard times, Friendship and sharing activities
Décor of shared areas:
Decisions based on practical utility and durability
Clutter level of shared living areas or work space:
Tidy in shared spaces, with a designated place for things, Average level of "lived in" look
Cleanliness level (germs & crumbs):
All food counters & tables wiped down daily to not attract pests, Disinfectants must be ecologically safe products (chemical sensitivity), Dishes washed (or loaded into dishwasher) daily to not attract pests
Yard or landscaping:
Gardens and edible landscaping
Neighborhood or scenery:
Scenery is not high on the list of property characteristics that's worth paying extra for
Current city/town and state/province:
Seattle WA
Nation(s) of current residence:
United States
Preferred regions:
Pacific Coast U.S.
Population density:
Ideal location(s):
Seattle, WA
Duration of my current location:
Committed to location because of friendship and/or extended family
Relocation capacity:
Committed to my current residence for the foreseeable future
Resource sharing:
Garden (share work and produce), Tool share (maintenance and use of expensive equipment), Emergency preparedness efforts, Meal preparation, Care of elderly, disabled, or incapacitated relatives
My socioeconomic status:
Substantial assets but lower income
Leisure and lifestyle:
Somewhat frugal about leisure and entertainment expenditures
Leadership availability:
I'm currently in IC leadership
Roles and responsibilities:
Transactional relationships are more fair; to a reasonable extent there should be accountability through written agreements, In a reciprocal relationship you give about as much as you get, but it happens without keeping track, Clear responsibilities are important to minimize conflict
Practical skills:
Cooking for groups, Childcare, Grant-writing, Bookkeeping, Group facilitation
Experience or schooling:
Activism & organizing, Ecological science, Event planning & management, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Experience teaching adults, Musical performance, Social dance, Theater, Writing, Bookkeeping/accounting, Consensus facilitation, Long term rentals and maintenance
Occupation(s) and expertise:
Librarian, college instructor, vocal coach [singing], small business management
Years lived in an IC:
Over 20 years in IC
Experience in community:
Member of present community since 1979, cost-sharing, chore-sharing, regular meetings for mutual support as well as business
Older boomer
Generations intended in IC:
Millennial (born 1981 – 1996), Older boomer (born 1946 – 1954)
Number of infants and preschoolers:
Number of grade-school children:
Number of teens:
Number of working adults:
Number of non-working adults:
Alcohol (tolerable rules):
Should be regulated by group decision only if it becomes problematic
Tobacco smoking (tolerable rules):
Should not be allowed on the premises
Cannabis (tolerable rules):
Should not be allowed on the premises, even if its legal in our location
Psychedelics (tolerable rules):
Legal psychedellics are okay if not disrupting to others
Illegal recreational drugs (tolerable rules):
Should be dealt with by group decision in a manner to support non-use
Overnight guests (tolerable rules):
Should be subject to group decision only if it becomes problematic
Daytime visitor access (tolerable rules):
Should require that community is informed of planned visits
Nudity (tolerable rules):
Should be limited to private rooms or private residences (as is the norm outside the IC)
Required disclosures:
Current addictions even if under treatment
Religious or spiritual practice-based IC:
No mandate of strict adherence to shared religious beliefs and practices
My religious beliefs or practices:
Christian (universalist)
Practices welcome in IC:
Atheist, Agnostic, Spiritual but not religious, Christian, Muslim/Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Bahai, Spiritualist, Pagan, Wiccan, Taoist, Jainist, Astrology, Pantheist, Native American / First Nations, Shamanic or indigenous animist, Zoroastrian, Kabbalah, Tarot, Mediumship, Near-death experience or out-of-body, Theosophical Society, New Thought (law of attraction), New Age (mix), 12 steps (from AA, NA, etc.)
Ecological preservation ethics:
Local food commitment for low carbon footprint, Eating vegan, vegetarian, or certified humane meat, Use of alternative power such as solar or wind, Commitment to reduce, re-use, recycle
Belief-related practices:
whatever everyone in the group would consider supportive for each other
Wisdom sharing:
open-mindedness, open-heartedness, kindness, generosity, consideration of others' welfare, flexibility, adherence to principles rather than rigid ideologies
Size of community:
6 to 10
Sense of togetherness:
An IC should have regular opportunities to encourage all to share their feelings, An IC should foster close interpersonal relationships
My gender + number:
Genders welcome in IC:
Non-binary, Male, Female
My current couple situation:
I'm in committed partnership
Couple situations welcome in IC:
Committed closed partnership(s) (e.g., married monogamous couples), Single (not in a committed closed partnership), Available somewhat (e.g., in open relationship), Not available (e.g., you're okay if you're not going to be a threat to my primary relationship)
My sexual orientation:
Monogamous, Straight
Sexual identities welcome in IC:
Heterosexual (straight), Cisgender (gender aligns with natal sex), Monogamous (committed to a single sexual partner), Non-monogamous, LGBTQ+ (non-normative gender identity and/or same-sex attraction), Polyamorous (in more than one physically intimate relationship with consent of all involved), Polygamous (married to more than one spouse)
Sex & intimacy norms in IC:
Primarily left to the individual to determine, with the understanding that personal choices can impact community culture, A topic not discussed by the community, A topic discussed with curiosity and respect, allowing for experimentation around what works for the community
Physical affection:
I selectively enjoy hugs; I lean more toward the physically reserved side
My availability for physical intimacy:
Not currently open to a new relationship
Children in IC:
Children are welcome but not a necessity (not a dealbreaker issue)
Children present in household:
No dependent children
Other people’s children:
I want to be in a setting in which all feel a responsibility for well-being of children in the community, I am open to sharing child-care responsibilities such as carpooling or swapping child-care
Behavior correction:
Parents shouldn't be offended if other adults respectfully question their child(ren)'s behavior, Parents shouldn't have to micro-manage their child(ren) for the benefit of adults around them
Screen time (acceptable rules):
Screen time and content limits are up to individual families, Screen-free locations agreed on as a group, Screen-free times agreed on as a group to encourage outdoor play with peers, Parents should agree on online content allowed (e.g. video games, social media) because minors will share with each other
Outdoor dog(s) okay if not frequent barkers, Indoor dog(s) not okay
Indoor cat(s) not okay, Outdoor cat(s) not okay
Special food needs:
Severe food allergies, Celiac's or gluten sensitivity, Strongly prefer home-processed foods, Strongly prefer a high quality of food preparation
Plant-based or not:
Primarily vegetarian, Fish okay, Cage-free eggs okay, Small local dairy products okay, Conventional milk products okay, Certified-humane meat okay
Commitment to all organic, Organic non-certified is okay, Commitment to local-grown as much as possible, Commitment to non-GMO
Shared meals (acceptable norms):
Prefer shared meals daily, Shared meals are necessary community glue, Shared meals are necessary for efficiency and low cost
Medical risk bubbles:
I can commit to taking extra precautions for others in a high-risk category
Pandemic norms:
Maintain strict social distancing and masks outside the IC, Sanitize hands frequently in the IC, Vaccinated, Keep good health practices for good immune function
Severe allergies:
gluten, cow dairy
Noise level:
A quiet serene living space should be the norm
I’m an early riser, I keep a late bedtime, My sleep is not easily disturbed
Comfort & convenience:
I like my cushy life, I cannot participate in a rugged life and hard physical work, I cannot tolerate extreme temperatures, I can participate with others who do not tolerate rugged life or extreme temperatures
Tech savvy:
I'm about average with tech use
I need to be consistently connected to wifi during work hours
Is okay but not necessary
Leisure time:
Reading, political activities, streaming videos, folk singalongs
Political orientation:
Progressive left
Culture influencers:
Cory Doctorow
Civic, political, or activist groups or movements:
Nonviolence International, Friends Committee on National Legislation, 350 Seattle
Extroversion (under 50% means more introverted than average):
Emotional even keel (under 50% means more ups & downs than average):
Agreeableness (under 50% means less compliant or more contrary than average):
Conscientiousness (under 50% means more easygoing than average):
Open to new experiences / imagination (under 50% means more traditional than average, sticks with "tried and true"):
Tendency for dealing with others' expectations:
Myers-Briggs (& Keirsey-Bates) temperament type:
Enneagram type:
Type 2
Weaknesses and superpowers:
I'm not a very good judge of other peoples' character so rely on others' intuition. I'm very generous with my time and attention.
Lack of concern for others' welfare as individuals and groups, Unwilling to contribute one's share
Willingness to contribute one's share, willingness to sacrifice for others
On scale of 0 (imperturbable) to 27 (highly sensitive), 15 or more = HSP:
On scale of 0 (prefers calm & predictable) to 20 (sensation seeking):