You consider poop a valuable resource.
Your family thinks you may have joined a pagan cult.
There don’t seem to be any truly straight lines in sight.
At least half of your on site residents are living in conditions that housing authorities would designate as unsafe or substandard.
“Circle process” of any kind sounds like a welcome pastime instead of making you want to hide.
You don’t go to hippie festivals; the hippie festivals come to you.
Cold showers and/or jumping in any outdoor water are considered healthy and possibly your main way to get clean.
Indoor plumbing is a privilege for the mobility-challenged or the more long-standing residents who installed it themselves.
Every summer and fall meal is primarily generated on site, which includes edible flowers, along with some salvaged just-expired organic food from local affiliates.
At least some of your off-site neighbors are wary and disapproving of the goings-on.
You harbor at least one resident who, left to fend for themselves, would likely end up homeless.
Most of you approve of Charles Eisenstein as RFK Jr.’s pick for presidential financial advisor.
You and most of your near neighbors would score “outsider left” on the Pew political type quiz and green on the political compass quiz.