Groups planning an intentional community as a work team should first be compatible as a leadership team. They may co-own or collectively operate a business or project. They may or may not live in the same building as each other or in the same facility where they work. Either way, they will closely share space and resources, so they will need a high level of compatibility and cooperation.
Many intentional communities function as a work team to keep up their property and manage activities. This page focuses more on community as a work team that offers housing and pay or income sharing as part of their membership. This differs from a situation of employers providing housing, in that members in an intentional community will have a way to eventually share in decision-making if they prove to be a good fit.
If your work team involves aspects of other community types, be sure to see those pages for resources. We are working to provide databases of grant funding. We are especially interested to identify funding that is available to individuals and does not require being or partnering with a certified non-profit or government.
Green Mountain Center for Sustainability offers degrees in adventure-based counseling, expressive arts therapy, field ecology and conservation, and similar studies.