You HATE marketing and sales?
You’re likely one of those people who would rather get a tooth pulled than try to sell others on your offerings. It feels uncomfortably pushy. You’d rather be in the sharing economy, the gift economy, barter, anything but trying to convince uninterested people that you have something they need and should pay for. Marketing services can feel like a package of intrusiveness and slight dishonesty, or more kindly said, intentional bias. Not your thing. But the people who really would love and gladly pay for your service, lodging, or product, how will they find you?
Get Some Help From Ethical Marketing Experts
Hiring a marketing expert gives you access to information and tools that constantly evolve. You may not have time to level up on SEO (always changing), emailing systems, and deciding where your limited marketing budget would be best spent. A marketing consultant listed with ICmatch can help your funds and time have the biggest impact. If you don’t find here what you’re looking for, check freelance platforms like Eloquenti, Timewise, or Upwork.
Find a Marketer to Join Your Community
If you’re on ICmatch, safe bet you believe in teams. When each member does the work they are trained in and naturally gifted at, then everyone benefits. Make a marketer part of your team. ICmatch member profiles include questions about work skills. Find others’ skillsets noted in the profile category labeled Skills. In your own profile, you can note what skills your intentional community or founders group needs in new members.
DIY Marketing Tips
If you have too tight a budget currently, bestselling author Seth Godin has an excellent book on marketing and a blog where you can access 50 free videos. He advocates for a truly generous for a type of permission-based marketing. He helps you target only people most likely to take interest, your smallest viable audience.
You can create a website for free using Google sites. No ads will be shown to visitors, as on other free site-builders. It has pre-fab components to choose from. The only slight drawback is that when someone using chrome who has multiple google accounts opens it, it will ask the user which account will access the website. You must use a Chrome browser to create it. Here’s an example of a site created with Google sites: fractioNation.US.
Marketing for Non-profits and Prosocial Businesses
You are obviously doing generous work. That makes it easier to promote, but often our people networks aren’t, shall we say, well resourced. We all would love it if our good intentions would automatically translate to a livable income, but sometimes we struggle to get that to work. Marketing experts can help you evaluate how you can monetize your offerings in a way that allows you to continue the good work.
Why Marketing Expenditure Makes Sense
Try it out. Ask your marketing expert to measure your website traffic before and after their work. Ask your new contacts how they heard of you. You can choose to increase or repeat only the tasks that have an observable payoff. Marketing experts potentially expand your income far past what you spend on their services. We vet the marketing experts who list with us. They won’t use gimmicky everyone’s-doing-it tactics. They’ve done marketing for ICmatch, and as proof of their good work, you found us!